Stephanie Loy Son: torrey pines, san diego
Arafinwë: Gempenturm (760m)
Luigi Alesi: Laghetto di Santo Stefano di Sessanio (AQ)
desomnis: Tranquil
Saida Balsells: DSC_0136-1
Jaimie Wylie Photography: I see you, giraffe
stephen cosh: Balance
David Olkarny Photography: Lost in thoughts
Michel Couprie: Yet Another Misty Sunrise (with geese)
gato-gato-gato: the way she moves
Raphael de Kadt: Spectacuar Mirror Edifice at MIT
alfB&W: Parking
David Olkarny Photography: Flowers in town
carlMAXs: The old ville
andrew_dyoung: Twisted Steel
andrew_dyoung: The Hammer
steinliland: Cold December day
desomnis: a fresh start
Rob Woodcox: The Longing (pt. 9)
Louis Caya: The Colors
felix_mm: Where to begin