Stripey: DSC03361
elkit: Abbey
elkit: Benjamin
elkit: Here I am
elkit: Mom!
elkit: Triple Word Score!
SACarlson: 4-mo Check-up
SACarlson: Zoe Abigail Carlson
JulieFrick: Tiny Dog! Scared of Large Birds!
sandwichgirl: rally to restore sanity, antarctica
BinaryApe: St Wilfrid's Medieval Fair, Stockport
BinaryApe: St Wilfrid's Medieval Fair, Stockport
elkit: Maia Blur, September 7
kathtill: Number 1 dog, old Abbey
toorsdenote: 3: Deep in thought
noahstone: bad boy
elkit: Sunlit Whiskers
elkit: Three
elkit: Stupsnase
toorsdenote: Abbey, Charles, Mary & Jig
:birke:: reflected mountain
YawningDog: Roberts On Deck
LutzZ: No pictures,please
CynShy: Daisy highly upset with the birds or squirrels in the tree
CynShy: Daisy sunday paper
CynShy: daisy peekaboo
CynShy: Daisy's Doggles