kathtill: Back to Eureka (eventually)
kathtill: Don't believe it!
kathtill: IMG_0548
kathtill: Spitfire under construction ( Battle of Britain anniversary)
kathtill: Oxford Eye Hospital
kathtill: IMG_0542
kathtill: Peace plaque unveiled in Oxford on U.N day for Peace Sept 21 2010
kathtill: Cobweb
kathtill: New bus - hybrid double decker (photo through a windscreen at dusk)
kathtill: Autumn: squirrel with nut.
kathtill: IMG_0487
kathtill: Camera! Not bread!
kathtill: Thames at Abingdon
kathtill: Lunch at Sainsbury's
kathtill: Number 1 dog, old Abbey
kathtill: Benjamin gets new winter shoes, with diggers on the straps and soles
kathtill: Archaeology Society exhibit: Abingdon (U.K.)
kathtill: Archaeology Society
kathtill: Leaving Zoe
kathtill: The doors of September are closed
kathtill: Days in hospital
kathtill: Day in hospital#2
kathtill: Bicycle and tree
kathtill: Jig "flashy-thing-me" Tillinghast
kathtill: Where cars go to die.
kathtill: Benjamin's Plantagenet pyjamas
kathtill: Tintern Abbey
kathtill: Cadbury's Milk Choc.is now Fair trade
kathtill: Karen Armstrong autographs our book
kathtill: Rose