rickwil64: Almost Gone_B&W
Jabi Artaraz: Gaua da oraindik
photosauraus rex: Rufous Hummingbird
david g schultz: 1938 Diamond T Model 404
Mick Thompson1: Western Bluebird
Clyde Thornhill: Dark-eyed Junco
rickwil64: Up In Smoke_B&W
Dan Streiffert: 250111-108-Enhanced-NR.jpg
phillip 13: Anna's
Keith Midson: Sunspray
rickwil64: Lost Its Windows_B&W
Clyde Thornhill: Sharp-shinned Hawk
jhooten1973: Twin Tails at Rest
Bonnie Moreland (free images): Sunrise, Yachats, Oregon
*Capture the Moment* thx for over 50 mil views: Stairs of Harmony - Singapore 174 - Explore # 35
rickwil64: Lonely
NickWakeling: Cattle Egret
sagesolar: Flight of the arrow
david g schultz: Close encounter with a Surf volcano
rickwil64: Crumbling_B&W
Jarek S. "Jerry": Bearded reedling
rickwil64: Once The Roof Goes_B&W
Luís Henrique Boucault: Capitolio & Panoramic View
rickwil64: New Crop Growing_B&W
Mick Thompson1: White-crowned Sparrow
Keith Midson: sunshade
Jabi Artaraz: Aldaminetik ikuspegi ezin hobea