Kurt (OrionHerpAdventure.com): IMG-20120801-WA0002
aleshurik: the Reindeer Breeder Day..
aleshurik: People of Yamal..
aleshurik: People of Yamal..
aleshurik: once at the station
aleshurik: Waiting..
aleshurik: somebody over the clouds...
aleshurik: exhausted :)
aleshurik: Just a perfect day..))
aleshurik: Somebody over the clouds
omtelsimon: IMG_4441 Nursery web spider, Pisauridae. HA!
wongkokmeng: DSC_7953
aleshurik: ..sky in the puddle..
CatchSoul: 2017-03-24-07.52.39_Big_Soldierfly_Back_232_15um
TioChinFeng: _DSC1031-2
cskong9932: DSC_1308
cskong9932: DSC_9757f
cskong9932: DSC_9640
cskong9932: DSC_9712
TioChinFeng: _DSC1296
TioChinFeng: _DSC1356
TioChinFeng: _DSC1400
omtelsimon: IMG_1632 Mating leaf beetles. HHD & HIHD!
wongkokmeng: DSC_6469
wongkokmeng: DSC_6395
wongkokmeng: DSC_6424
omtelsimon: IMG_3888 Ant mimicking jumping spider with prey! HBBBT!
wongkokmeng: DSC_6042