post card set
gifts from Grammie
linen brooch
Little House on...
Day 130/365: One or Two Things (7)
academy of american poets:
from Mary Oliver's "The Summer Day"
Print Pinball:
Greeting Cards by Nikki McClure
notecards- treasure
Ink and Spindle
red felt flower:
instinct and grace
red felt flower:
paper boat press #4
camera shy momma:
pola love
camera shy momma:
camera shy momma:
morning me :: can't hide my smile even while bundled :: just a hint of snow
camera shy momma:
Day 3: feeling grateful for my morning walk and the snow that still lingers, the seasons and my own childlike innocence while looking towards my first new england winter. #30daysofgratitude
camera shy momma:
Day 18: grateful for found treasures that inspire and remind me that sometimes photography lays dormant but it never leaves me completely. Reaching for my nikon and tripod this morning felt really good. And that makes me happy.
camera shy momma:
winter is at our door :: that's a lot of snow #fromwhereistand
camera shy momma:
the sandy truth
Shitao 石 濤:
Missouri River stones, minerals, bones, gems...
Charlotte Geary:
White horse in snow
Linda Jackman Photo:
Naturally Scented fabric softener/ over 4000 views, thank you.
Message to self...inspired by the lovely Shutter Sisters