camera shy momma: reflections of self
camera shy momma: it's a giveaway!
camera shy momma: December light is a gift
camera shy momma: game face
camera shy momma: two rivers and early morning grain
camera shy momma: zen and the art of travel
camera shy momma: hello october
camera shy momma: ferrotype :: collodion
camera shy momma: squam lake
camera shy momma: first frost :: time to dig deep
camera shy momma: what where when why how
camera shy momma: september 6
camera shy momma: feet on the ground, head in the clouds.
camera shy momma: reflections on maine
camera shy momma: me times three
camera shy momma: strength redefined.
camera shy momma: rabbit rabbit rabbit
camera shy momma: "the purpose of art is washing the dust of daily life off our souls." -pablo picasso
camera shy momma: oh, dementia
camera shy momma: love. flare.
camera shy momma: NOW YOU on my mind
camera shy momma: “after all those years as a woman hearing ‘not thin enough, not pretty enough, not smart enough,not this enough, not that enough,’ almost overnight i woke up one morning and thought, i’m enough.” -anna quindlen
camera shy momma: take a stand
camera shy momma: hello hasselblad
camera shy momma: hasselblad at the coast