miemo: Blue mosque as seen from Hagia Sofia
The 10 cent designer: silver lining
gemma correll: new desserts
shannon dukes: dogs rule
birds & trees: Flowering Gum in Black & Greylead
The 10 cent designer: bachelor pad
Joel Robison: Family Reunion
The 10 cent designer: peaches with prosciutto & pistachio
dotsara: Schooner samples
the little red house: tabouleh with summer veggies
massdistraction: MN State Fair 2011
Darien Chin: Summer Smile
cannelle-vanille: Espelette
Joshua Yetman: Annabelle Hydrangea
ten minutes: shuttlecocks.
unrestful: Jacob Riis umbrella
phamalamb: trouble
Roc Canals: DSCF0608