Petrigraphy: Urban auroras.
Yvon DELBECQUE: Nymphe à corps de feu
Yvon DELBECQUE: coccibleu
Michael Aagaard Photography: Bar-shouldered dove in smokey sunset
Ineke Klaassen: Fiddler crab / Calling crab
colinherd: I’m watching you.
Art Phil Photographie: Grande roue et Reflet de Coucher de Soleil -Ramponneau Lille
basssinger23: Was shooting one when the other landed nearby...
colinherd: Why so serious?
Guiguillaumus: Azuré au couchant
Art Phil Photographie: Bokeh de Nuit
catb -: Hungry swallows
Art Phil Photographie: Coucher de soleil sur Bondues
J.Weyerhäuser: HMM Macro Mondays #Glass
catb -: Bumblebee on red
Petrigraphy: Reflections.
A L Jones1: S67A5997
catb -: Hoverfly on yellow
tersha53: on a stem
Marm O. Set: the huntress
Petrigraphy: Trientalis europaea. a creation of His beauty Boomklever
Thanathip Moolvong: Singapore River Promenade
taekevandersluis: pinkster kermis _DSC0988