Tschissl: so beautiful
Tschissl: ready for take off
Tschissl: just amazing
Tschissl: A spider on a trapeze - have a closer look
Tschissl: hanging on
Tschissl: Waiting for a victim to arrive
Tschissl: a nice place to rest
Tschissl: one of the dark ones
Mike Gass: Calliope flapping
jjablonski35: Black and White Warbler
KHR Images: Sparrowhawk
Simon Stobart: Redstart
johnedmond: Black-shouldered kite (Elanus axillaris)
Jambo53 (): Little Owl spam (5).
bertheeb: Kuckuck 24011
Andrey Angelov: The Colosseum of Rome
g.femenias: Twice the charm
denismichaluszko: Huppe fasciée / Eurasian Hoopoe
denismichaluszko: Huppe fasciée / Eurasian Hoopoe
denismichaluszko: Pygargue à queue blanche juvénile / White-tailed Eagle juvenile
Maxime Légaré-Vézina: Aigrette garzette - Little egret
Wim Boon Fotografie: Veldparelmoervlinder - Glanville Fritillary
trawson58: Swallow
Jem Salmon: Textured Landscape
Chas Moonie-Wild Photography: Brown Bear and cub
Matthieu Berroneau: Macrovipera lebetinus
Matthieu Berroneau: Mertensiella caucasica
Matthieu Berroneau: Vipera transcaucasiana
Stef54B: Falco di palude m - Circus aeruginosus