Zeb Andrews: Goose!
Uncle Kick-Kick: Mexico craters
david barclay: Power-centre parking lot snow bank
phoebe_rousseaux: red fox in snow
kerling.: if the waves ride high then so will I
possum_li: милашности (11)
Mait Jüriado: Iceland
Muzzlehatch: Taking the Wild
Franz Walsch: Excuse me
rcansley: Grand Tetons; July 2011
Giant Ginkgo: Late summer on Mount Denali
r.el.g: Thunder over Louisville
Shachi Trivedi (Catching up slowly): The long and winding road
c h a o s o l o g y: if you go, leave your keys in the mailbox.
travelling-light: santis 1994
jeremybebeau: DSC_2895
nicoaracena: FELIZ 2011