naz hamid: And Bruce getting some air
faster panda kill kill: bye for now Putney, thanks for all the walks & cuddling. until I see you again, my heart is with you.
naz hamid: A new day, same crew.
Yohei Morita @koguhito: R.I.P my dearest. 最愛の友人が逝った。Ezra Caldwell in 2007 NYC aka @fastboycycles (not yet in this time) we had become friends via very bigining Flickr with other friends. thinking about you Ez. thanks so much for everything. #fastboycycles #ezracaldwell #fuckcanc
Yohei Morita @koguhito: putney and ezra
naz hamid: The table at Wahoo's
naz hamid: Tire baby
Angeliska: IMG_6975.JPG
leifsorensen: Solento, Colombia 282
leifsorensen: Solento, Colombia 376
FloridaGirl46: Russian Fairytale Illustration by Biliban
Museo Ettore Guatelli: Museo Guatelli composizioni parietali
R A P H A: Breaking Away w/ RAPHA & Mellow Johnny's
Austin Kleon: *Everybody* wears a uniform.
Angeliska: IMG_1931.JPG
Angeliska: IMG_1766.JPG
annturnerhsumc: Jacana 09
annturnerhsumc: Jacana 09
b dubbs: Tour de Fat.
quilt-o-mania: Maths & Men's Shirts
EmiShimosato02: White quilt -- Tree and Angels
Angeliska: Colin
taller bicicle - barcelona: Pisteando! (1930)
Angeliska: Salome + John the Baptist
blazink: Kelsey's Schwinn: Before and After
faster panda kill kill: delayed amazement
oobwoodman: Windows 20.08