Angeliska: NEW MOON IN TAURUS TAROT: Whew – what a wild ride it has been since that last round of eclipses AND Mercury retrograde, eh? Plus, this is the first Taurus new moon that isn’t eclipsed since 2021! Many of us are feeling the effects of the changes in awar
Angeliska: This is where it all began… Eleven years ago, with my first award in the Austin Chronicle’s Best of Austin Reader’s Poll – Sister Temperance Tarot won a Critic’s Pick Award for Best Tarot Reading! That kicked off Best Tarot Reader/Psychic being a regula
Angeliska: Here’s some more magical film shots on 35mm by Cassaundra Courtney / casslaluna of High Sun Low Moon / @high_sun_low_moon (if you haven’t checked out her herbal skincare enchantments yet, I highly recommend that you do! Her products are made with so much
Angeliska: When I first embarked on my journey as a tarot reader, decades ago now, I had no idea that this work would really come to define so much about my life – the work that I do everyday, who I interact with, what I focus on learning, and how I desire to grow.
Angeliska: I’m still swooning from all the magic we created and shared together this recent Beltane – so much beauty and sweetness everywhere! Taurean abundance, community connection, and luxuriating in the rituals of the senses were all big themes that came up for
Angeliska: FULL MOON IN SCORPIO ECLIPSE TAROT: We have been blessed with a calming yet inspiring reminder during all the intensity and hubbub of this upcoming full moon eclipse in Scorpio on the 5th – which also happens to be Lunar Beltane, the astrological celebrat
Angeliska: FULL FLOWER MOON / SCORPIO ECLIPSE: This full moon in Scorpio Eclipse on May 5th (which is also Lunar Beltane) is bringing up strong Persephone/Hades energy for us – working with the polarity of lush, vernal Taurus and deep, autumnal Scorpio. Persephone
Angeliska: Have you ever gotten to participate in a Maypole dance? This coming Beltane will be my fourth (of hopefully many to come!) It is such a powerful experience! To sing together as we circle, weaving a beautiful totem to bring fruitfulness to the earth, and i
Angeliska: I had the honor of officiating the Beltane wedding of my dear friends Allyson / @coco_coquette and Justin / @justin.wilson last year, and it was so incredible to get to co-create a full-on pagan love ceremony (complete with handfasting and broom-jumping,
Angeliska: WITCHES’ NIGHT: April 30th is Walpurgisnacht or Hexennacht — aka. Witches’ Night! This is the time when the witches fly free through the air, and the veil is thin again. We are halfway to Halloween, and this springtime sabbat eve serves as a portal for de
Angeliska: This eclipse season is pulling NO punches, y’all – and we’re gearing up for the next one (a penumbral lunar eclipse in Scorpio) on May 5th. This one is going to be hitting everyone with placements in the fixed signs of Aquarius, Leo, Scorpio, and Taurus
Angeliska: NEW MOON IN ARIES ECLIPSE TAROT: This powerful lunation shines an intense and focused light on what is changing in our perceptions of love, relationships, gender and giving us the clarity and strength of will to carve new paths through to personal power a
Angeliska: ♈️ Thurs April 13th 6-9:30p ARIES PARTY! ♈️ Repost from @coco_coquette ❣️ I’m reading tarot at this fierce party, y’all! Can’t wait to see you there! Tag your fave Aries babes below! 👇🔥 “Aries is the first sign of the Zodiac an
Angeliska: I was so honored to be featured alongside an array of fellow tarot readers (especially my beloved Addie Broyles / @broylesa + @dontfearthedeathcard and the ever-rad Typewriter Tarot / @typewritertarot ) in February’s issue of Texas Monthly! When I first e
Angeliska: It’s time to nominate your favorite people, places, and things for the 2023 "Best of Austin" now! The Austin Chronicle’s annual Best of Austin awards celebrate the people, places, and businesses that make Austin so special. The first round of voting ends
Angeliska: I want to honor the life, work, and recent passing of a truly great teacher of tarot and mysticism, Rachel Pollock. Years ago, I was attending Lynda Barry’s writing workshop at The Omega Institute, and I had the pleasure of meeting Rachel and Mary K. Gree
Angeliska: In honor of International Romani Day, and my Roma ancestors who originated in Rajasthan centuries ago, I want to take this opportunity to offer some heartfelt education, and to make a request: if you advocate for the social justice for marginalized people