nicolelabry: Groove is in the heart. Of my cutting table!
jonathan_moreau: Library Parking Garage
❀Patti-Jo: Iridescent Tiles
TexasEagle: Scissor-tailed Flycatchers
bato93: wombat crossing
**Lissa**: march-sixpack-01
Hotash: "Well, that sucked."
Bee's Knees Industries: Did you ask a question?
cj1970.: Roobarb- Melanistic Bengal
una cierta mirada: Havana Hopper
vegkat.: Embroidery from other people
Lyndzi49: Yeah....
khaosproductions: World Trade Centre, Sept 10, 2001
khaosproductions: Collapse of the North Tower
Piedmont Fossil: Black Cats (detail)
Piedmont Fossil: Black Cats
Ape Lad: questionable table of elements
Miya Miller: Ctrl Alt Del Shaped Keyboard cup6
geeezelouise: look, no smile
pushkie: dumb
snowynora: I settle for you.
vegkat.: "Excuse me, sir, I would love to learn more."
agirlinwinter: twitter cross stitch chart
spike_fan: The Big Bang Theory quote cross stitch
spike_fan: Glee - Brittany quote cross stitch
Kitschensyngk: Don't Panic and Carry On
snowynora: Le coasters, part deux