bato93: fall colors on Yellow Aster Butte
bato93: band concert
bato93: ready for Red Carpet Night
bato93: on our way to see the solar eclipse
bato93: Shuksan in the clouds
bato93: Horsetail Falls
bato93: thistle
bato93: Timber!
bato93: 20190810_212315
bato93: 20190810_164316
bato93: 20190809_174800
bato93: 20190809_151424
bato93: 20190809_151406
bato93: 20190809_145957
bato93: 20190809_145312
bato93: 20190809_142916
bato93: 20190809_142746
bato93: 20190809_142305
bato93: 20190809_141222
bato93: 20190809_140914