Greko One: Boiler room in an abandoned power plant
Knee Bee: Magasin B (in explore November 2024)
Anteriorechiuso Santi Diego: Abandoned factory Don't be afraid
Yamabxl: Walk towards the light
petit tiago: Manifattura Tessile Italiana
Cristiano Antognotti: Former mine area
potosi6088m: 3D Puzzle für Erwachsene
Anteriorechiuso Santi Diego: Abandoned factory
jantsje: Simca Aronde-2
jantsje: Simca Aronde-3
jantsje: Simca Aronde-4
jantsje: Simca Aronde-5
Foto Elle Lost & Found: _DSC0075-bewerkt
Foto Elle Lost & Found: _DSC0077-bewerkt
Foto Elle Lost & Found: _DSC0107-HDR-bewerkt
. ruinenstaat: . rückblick 2015 - da war es bereits fünf vor zwölf
LeiV Photo: Just A Flat Tire
jantsje: Schloss F-6
jantsje: Schloss F-2
Cristiano Antognotti: Former factory
jantsje: Candle Factory-2
jantsje: Candle Factory-12
jantsje: Candle Factory-9