Lindell Dillon: Why did the woodcock cross the road ...
Thomas Shahan 3: Graphocephala sp Leafhopper
rbr-ccr: great blue heron 10-23-17-002b
Charles Vann: Butterfly
coyote1944: It's Raining in Tulsa
coyote1944: Jumping Spider
brev99: Confrontaion
rbr-ccr: pipevine swallowtail 8-31-17-018b
coyote1944: Common Buckeye (Junonia coenia)
coyote1944: Female Tiger Swallowtail
coyote1944: Tiger Swallowtail
Victor Hamberlin: A Summertime Thing
rbr-ccr: green heron 8-24-17-656b
AlwaysLoveBirds: Mississippi Kite
coyote1944: American Snout
coyote1944: Gray Hairstreak
Bryan E. Reynolds: Texas Gardener SeptOct2017Cover
Bryan E. Reynolds: Gray Tree Frog, Hyla versicolor
Bryan E. Reynolds: Gray Tree Frog, Hyla versicolor
Kent Vinyard: breakfast time
Santhosh Pandian: Butterfly family.
kapros76: Cupido argiades
Changer4Ever: Glorious days - Argyreus hyperbius
Wim van de Meerendonk, back home!: kaardebol/wild teasel
Khurram Khan...: Spots and shade
DocNordic: Female Black Swallowtail
inlikeflinn: Goldfinch and Pipevine Butterfly-0748
Kent Vinyard: Indigo bunting
Kent Vinyard: Indigo bunting