coyote1944: We Got a Little More Snow in the Night
coyote1944: Winter Has Come to Midtown
coyote1944: Red-bellied Woodpecker
coyote1944: The Acrobat
coyote1944: Red-bellied Woodpecker
coyote1944: Northern Cardinal
coyote1944: Carolina Chickadee
coyote1944: Female Downy Woodpecker
coyote1944: Angry Bird
coyote1944: Male House Finch
coyote1944: Male Northern Cardinal
coyote1944: White-throated Sparrow
coyote1944: Male House Finch
coyote1944: Female House Finch
coyote1944: White-throated Sparrow
coyote1944: White-throated Sparrow
coyote1944: Male Yellow-shafted Northern Flicker
coyote1944: Dark-eyed Junco
coyote1944: Dark-eyed Junco
coyote1944: Female Northern Cardinal
coyote1944: Turtle Dancer in Blue
coyote1944: Lights
coyote1944: The Bane of my Feeder
coyote1944: Cardinal
coyote1944: Sandpipers
coyote1944: Got a Peanut?
coyote1944: It's Still Fall
coyote1944: Mohawk in Winter
coyote1944: The Road Leads Ever On
coyote1944: Mohawk in Winter