Fenwalker1: This Morning
glostopcat: Wigeon Drake - Cannop Ponds
glostopcat: Nuthatch - Cannop Ponds III
Tim Melling: Black-tailed Godwit
colin 1957: dunnock
colin 1957: common snipe
colin 1957: redshank
Durley Beachbum: Happy Higo for China
Canon50D1: The Unhappy Goose
colin 1957: purple sandpiper
colin 1957: cattle egret (8)
Andrew H Wildlife Images: A13K2883-Edit-Edit-Edit
Durley Beachbum: Ground Feeder
colin 1957: mute swan
Bob the Birdman and All Around Nature Guy: What Are You Doing Down There? (Purple Martin)
trawson58: Brown Hare
Tim Melling: Spectacled Duck
trawson58: Barn Owl
colin 1957: robin
Fenwalker1: Frosty Daisy
glostopcat: Coal Tit - Cannop Ponds
glostopcat: Mandarin Drake - Cannop Ponds
Chris Bainbridge1: The Darkness
colin 1957: nuthatch