RKop: Baltimore Oriole looking for bugs
Dona Minúcia: Lady with hat, by Amália P. - DSC01151
Steven B. Reddy: accordian
James Richards Sketchbook: Street life, San Miguel de Allende
James Richards Sketchbook: Cathedral, San Miguel de Allende
sandrinebodiguel: 2017-05-25_11-36-40
PaulArtSG: To The Market
sandrinebodiguel: On s'amuse !!
Anne Watkins NYC: 1705_HOME_WINDOW257
Anne Watkins NYC: 1705_HOME_WINDOW255
Andrea Rapisarda: Buona Pasqua
toni belobrajdic: Parisians,"Men from Belleville"
toni belobrajdic: Four Horses,watercolour on 1/2 sheet Arches paper
toni belobrajdic: "My Table", watercolour 40x54cm
T.Kiya: Rose, Mme. Violet, バラ, マダム ヴィオレ,
Dona Minúcia: Bottles, homage to Cathy Kent, Shari Blaukopf, by hj - DSC00713
guymoll: Doélan - Bretagne - France
~Roxanne~: Ranunculus
jc_canon: MAWA 373
Adrian Dancy: 9P1A8358a Bohemian waxwing (Blackburn)
Adrian Dancy: 9P1A8444a Bohemian Waxwing (Blackburn)
Polotaro: 水仙
purcell art: jumbled
bi.40730: PSX_20170115_205625
bi.40730: PSX_20170117_234025