Capularis: Goldstream Provincial Park, Vancouver Island. BC.
Capularis: Naru
Anthony Skellern: Across the Fields
Anthony Skellern: Postcard from Warton Crag
Anthony Skellern: I Heart Waxcaps
Anthony Skellern: On Warton Crag
Anthony Skellern: Earth | Sky 559
Judy Gallagher: Hammock Spider - Pityohyphantes species, Vaseux Lake, British Columbia, October 5, 2018
jciv: Door to Door Black Widow!
Judy Gallagher: Orchard Orbweaver - Leucauge venusta shedding, Mason Neck, Virginia, May 13, 2021
Cheryl Dunlop Molin: frosted web
heatherwcraigl: Spin Dizzy
mishko2007: That Lucky Old Sun
mishko2007: The Lone Harpist
Treebeard: Bottlecap-size Araneus spider in its shelter
Richard D McMellon: Pardosa sp with slings
cotinis: Lichen not
Judy Gallagher: Spiderlings, Rapidan Wildlife Management Area, Stanardsville, Virginia, May 11, 2023
conall..: Arachtober 31
zxgirl: Needs a Bigger SUV for the Kids
mishko2007: Home Alone
tessab101: Asterolasia hexapetala with bonus spider
tessab101: A Tiny Splash of Colour
cotinis: Ghostly spider
Bug Eric: Ant-mimicking jumper
zxgirl: Seasonal Colors
cotinis: So odd!
zxgirl: Long Jaws
Sylvester K: Microlinyphia pusilla (Linyphiidae)