solecismus: Day 4209: mood indigo
Mcmarcy_H: Dortmund Phönixsee
Thomas Stitch: River Rocks
austin granger: Portland
REM ~ Photo: City Field
will green: new year, new cellphone
Still / Breathing: Fuji-san From the Shinkansen
austin granger: Crescent City, California
stephenh_c: Tree in silhouette
Catherine Sienko: Baby's First Picnic
Mcmarcy_H: Burano Venezia
_stefkas_: Dornburg
Catherine Sienko: Forest Green
Rising Tide Images: Seal with a View
MarjieM777: female Broadbilled hummingbird
StationB: FrostAllerlei
MarjieM777: Bee getting booped by a hummingbird
REM ~ Photo: Business
C.D. Stewart: sodden grasses
segf: Protestas - Iquique
photoangel55: DSCF7510
pom'.: Son Coll, Deià, Mallorca Adorno, my friend
REM ~ Photo: Mossy Wall
donjbenny: Fading Fame
MarjieM777: Summer in the Garden (no crop)