Zoopress studio: Um livrinho que qualquer criança faz... A book even a child can make...
Life in Edit: Angle-of-View-and-Focal-Length
Life in Edit: Photo-Basics-ISO-Infographic
Life in Edit: Photo-Basics-Shutter-Speed-Infographic
Life in Edit: Photo-Basics-Aperture-Infographic
ronmcbride66: Morning dew. View on black.
Sparkys Girl: Rule of Thrids Tutorial
jangray1985: Oil and Water
olasis: Set-Up (close up)
Postie62: before and after
WickedOne: A Thousand Words
ξωαŋ ThΦt (slowly back...): Old Photo Texture
ξωαŋ ThΦt (slowly back...): Old Photo Texture
bchphoto: Pet Photos
Blitzknips: Serval
Ben Heine: I'm Just a Baby