Photobirder: Tiger cooling off
ayashok photography: Eid mubarak
ayashok photography: Chennakesava Temple, Somanathapura | Karnataka, 2014
Andrea Di Gioia: Dyrholaey - Iceland 2017.
Sento74: _SEN1213-E
gilgit2: White-winged Redstart (Phoenicurus erythrogastrus)
Kees499  Nature pics: Can you hear me ?
Kees499  Nature pics: Buzzard at Lunch
Kees499  Nature pics: Hawfinch (M) drying up in the sun
Kees499  Nature pics: Magpie resting
Photos By JM: Screamer
dennisr300: Paines Creek Sunset
dennisr300: Great Quittacas Pond
dennisr300: Farmer John and the White Washed Barn
andredekesel: Helophilus pendulus - Pendelzweefvlieg
Cristian Arghius: Polyommatus icarus
wrpryde: Great Horned Owl in flight Explored 9/5/2015
Kelly DeLay: Lightning at Sunset
swbshop1: Ah, That's the spot right there!
Padmanabhan Rangarajan: Sunset colours
Hector16: And the reaction to my presence!
kevin s. z: up to the sky
Krish..:): Time to wakeup .. !!
jmmc01: Temple d'Airavatesvarar, Templo de Airavatesvarar, Temple Airavatesvarar ( Noviembre 2010, Darasuram, India del Sur ).
Martin Fischhaber: Buntspecht - great spotted woodpecker (Explore)