Randy Craig Photography: Old Truck remains_8093_061523
Randy Craig Photography: Old Train Car V30 S10_0683_062323
Randy Craig Photography: Columbia Hills State Park_6356_041024
Randy Craig Photography: Balsamroot and Lupine - Columbia Hills State Park_6387_041024
searchlight557: Canadian Pacific 2317 departing Scranton PA.
Lt. Sweeney: Octavia 14.0. // 01
Lyutik966: old car
G.Y. 1610: Maggie
G.Y. 1610: Old and forgotten _ 2
Eric Langley: Dakota
下心.滿缽: IMG_20230815_134719
Aboutlight_: Anastasia
Aboutlight_: Anastasia
imagendaniel: DOLMEN DE TELLA
andredekok: Waiting....
andredekok: Pisces and Capricorn
Rod Waddington: Resting Buddha, Dambulla
Gentiaan5555: Vincent van Gogh in Assen.27-9-2023
Gentiaan5555: Mannes the dog.In front of railwaystation.Assen.Lotje is surprised.
jor baeke: the beginning of the morning tour
jor baeke: monastery life