Charaxes14: Lycaena thersamon
Devill Photography: Saw whet Owl
Bill Bouton: California Newt, Taricha torosa, with egg masses
Charaxes14: Anemone hepatica
Jayanta Bordoloi: The grumpy starling.
Charaxes14: Parnassius sacerdos
Bill Bouton: Resting during a winter "King Tide"
bertheeb: Hermelin 20003
weatherfordm25: Road Runner - Big Bend NP--Edit.jpg
Glenn Bartley - Splendid Fairywren (Malurus splendens) (Myke): An Icon Is Born
Diane-B: The crows were squawking this morning and then I noticed the eagle. I ran for my camera & zoomed in as much as I could but it wasn't until after I uploaded this shot that I saw he was there to have lunch! Unfortunate day for the rabbit.
Charaxes14: Zerynthia polyxena
Charaxes14: Actias luna
Darran O: Collared Lizard
E_Rick1502: Leucistic Anna's Hummingbird.
Mark VanDyke Photography: Glacier National Park Saint Mary Lakeshore Stones
Priscilla van Andel: IMG_5125 Eastern Sandfish (Scincus mitranus)
santosh_shanmuga: Family Portrait
Venkyk: Fireworks by Team Japan
Marsel van Oosten: Facebook Update
Kristian Bell: Roughie
Darvin Atkeson: Hot Creek under a Star Filled Moonlit Night
E.M.Thomas: August Desires Barred Owl Pair
Henk oochappan: One last pray - Madurai
Aaron Reed Photography: Eternal Beauty
M Atif Saeed: Mordor..