cyndib_2001: sunbeam
Leaca's Philosophy: Is anyone out there???? If there is.....HBW everyone!!!!
Rebe {happy-mami}: Mi juguetito / My little toy
~Shilpa: For everything you have missed, you have gained something else, and for everything you gain, you lose something else
~Shilpa: How we spend our days is, of course, how we spend our lives
Anne Strickland: Cherry O
fakeyouth: "Happiness is a state of activity"
KristinaVF: the Shadows were Dancing
~ielle~ Your dream is your dream. You have to bring it to reality yourself.
edscoble: London Underground
sunmamma: When I die, she said, I'm coming back as a tree with deep roots & I'll wave my leaves at the children every morning on their way to school & whisper tree songs at night in their dreams.
Kat&Kat: childhood
NoFranz: Green Torino.
chusico: Paraguas de Invierno
wakima: one swallow doesn't make a summer