cyndib_2001: beetle wisdom
cyndib_2001: magpie
cyndib_2001: Untitled
cyndib_2001: turning a corner
cyndib_2001: winter sky
cyndib_2001: healing wound with flower
cyndib_2001: spider and web
cyndib_2001: centipede
cyndib_2001: jerome & nodding greenhood orchid
cyndib_2001: walking the walls of the labyrinth
cyndib_2001: tall sundews with mosquito snack
cyndib_2001: flatworm showing us it's blue belly
cyndib_2001: wattle & web
cyndib_2001: native geranium
cyndib_2001: suburban bush
cyndib_2001: oxalis
cyndib_2001: release
cyndib_2001: little bush wonders
cyndib_2001: the first sip is always a little too warm
cyndib_2001: coral fungus
cyndib_2001: late afternoon
cyndib_2001: the yellow amidst the green and brown was really nice
cyndib_2001: sundew