示畐來敵: Prospect
raph012345: 織品白
maddoc2003jp: 201501-07-M42-400TX-NOCTILUX-23copy
fiddleoak: city lights
raph012345: 楓樹村
Thomas Leuthard: The Kiss²
raph012345: 輔大校門口
raph012345: 阿嬤與他的粉絲
raph012345: 蟬不是蒼蠅
raph012345: 白眼? 鼻孔? 吐舌? YA
raph012345: 逆光憨兒
raph012345: 自己為草叢突襲隊
raph012345: 有種違和感
raph012345: 馬 fit 奪魂鋸
raph012345: 樹懶のGG
raph012345: 樹懶招待宮元眼科
raph012345: 捕夢網
raph012345: 太陽雨後
aleshurik: the ears..
J Trav: Shaky Knees Festival 2014