valerieknits: February Lady Sweater
Dolsi1: May 2
Dolsi1: May 3
{Hillary}: Me-Made-May 2016 - 5th
eirenep: mmay16_ Day 6 Wrap dress
{Hillary}: Me-Made-May 2016 - 6th - Theme Friday: YELLOW
Hana - Velvet Ribbon: MMMay'16 Day 7
ShowAndTellMeg: Me Made May 2016 - Day 7
frauknopf13: MeMade May: Day 8
martha.myers: Day 8: Now shirt in silk blend with Florence pocket, Plaza pants in 4 ply silk. All patterns from
CarmencitaB: May 8th In Butterick 5526. I just spend 2 days with Géraldine of @republiqueduchiffon at @unchatsurunfil's sewing week-end. Tired but happy! #mmmay16
martha.myers: Day 9. Mixit shirt in white linen (modified), Urban pants in gray linen. Both patterns
Dolsi1: May 8
ShowAndTellMeg: Me Made May 2016 - Day 10
Mona from sewing against the grain: May 10, 2016: Simplicity 2154 pencil skirt. This is one my most simple and most often worn makes! It's made of some weird stretch purple bengaline and I added pockets (of course!). Worn with a deco style brooch and grey b.a.i.t. Harrow oxfords.
saashka: May 5
Dolsi1: May 9
mahlicadesigns: Charcoal Shorts by mahlicadesigns
21 wale: Jalie 3463 Anne-Marie
martha.myers: Mix It Shirt sleeve
mahlicadesigns: Kirsten Kimono Tee by mahlicadesigns
CarmencitaB: 1ère cousette! On est plus que fières. Joyeux Anniversaire à Anaëlle. #selftissus
CarmencitaB: Cleaning up after myself before I start again. / Un peu de ménage avant de recommencer.
jstarr4250: Grainline Maritime short in Oscar de la Renta cotton twill ralph rucci coat Tessuti pewter wool brocade