valery_pokotylo: September 5, 2023. The 559th day of war in Ukraine. St. Vladimir's Cathedral. Kyiv.
valery_pokotylo: September 10, 2023. The 564th day of war in Ukraine. St. Vladimir's Cathedral. The son of Yaroslav the Wise, the pious Prince Volodymyr Yaroslavich (1052) became the founder of the stone Sophia Cathedral in Novgorod; Artist Vilhelm Kotarbinskyi. Kyiv.
valery_pokotylo: September 11, 2023. The 565th day of war in Ukraine. On the edge of the pylon from the side of the compartment is a fresco by Viktor Vasnetsov - "Holy Prince Andriy Bogolyubsky", St. Vladimir's Cathedral. Kyiv.
valery_pokotylo: September 17, 2023. The 571st day of war in Ukraine. First day of Creation. Artist Pavel Svedomsky. St. Vladimir's Cathedral. The first day is the creation of light, with the inscription: “AND THE SPEAK OF GOD BE LIGHT AND THERE WAS LIGHT. ONE DAY”.
valery_pokotylo: September 18, 2023. The 572nd day of war in Ukraine. St. Vladimir's Cathedral. The side-chapel of the Great Martyrs Borys and Hlib in the choir above the northern nave. View to the choirs on the northern nava. Kyiv.
valery_pokotylo: September 25, 2023. The 579th day of war in Ukraine. Mosaic image of the Volodymyr the Great. Kyiv prince St. Volodymyr.
valery_pokotylo: October 6, 2023. The 590th day of war in Ukraine. St. Vladimir's Cathedral. The side-chapel of the Great Martyrs Borys and Hlib in the choir above the northern nave. View to the choirs on the northern nava. Kyiv.
valery_pokotylo: October 17, 2023. The 601st day of war in Ukraine. St. Vladimir's Cathedral. View to the central and northern navas from the choirs of the southern nava. Kyiv.
valery_pokotylo: October 29, 2023. The 613rd day of war in Ukraine. Nifont (died in 1156) - Bishop of Novgorod. St. Vladimir's Cathedral. The side-chapel of the Great Martyrs Borys and Hlib in the choir above the northern nave. Artist Wilhelm Kotarbinsky. Kyiv.
valery_pokotylo: November 11, 2023. The 626th day of war in Ukraine. St. Vladimir's Cathedral. A view of the northern entrance to the cathedral. On the right side, the iconostasis in the northern nave. Kyiv.
valery_pokotylo: November 14, 2023. The 629th day of war in Ukraine. St. Vladimir's Cathedral. Fresco "Judgment of Pilate" above the Northern entrance to the cathedral. Artist Pavlo Sviedomskyi in collaboration with Vilhelm Kotarbinskyi. Kyiv.
valery_pokotylo: November 20, 2023. The 635th day of war in Ukraine. St. Vladimir's Cathedral. View from the south entrance towards the north entrance of the cathedral. At the top of the photo you can see the choir above the northern nave of the cathedral. Kyiv.
valery_pokotylo: November 26, 2023. The 641st day of war in Ukraine. Fresco "Our ancestors in paradise. Adam and Eve" in the choirs, on the north wall. Painter Viktor Vasnetsov. St. Vladimir's Cathedral. Kyiv.
valery_pokotylo: November 29, 2023. The 644th day of war in Ukraine. The fresco of the plot “Prayer for the Cup” depicts the Savior praying to the Father in the deserted Garden of Gethsemane in a kneeling position. St. Vladimir's Cathedral. Artist Pavel Svedomsky. Kyiv.
valery_pokotylo: November 30, 2023. The 645th day of war in Ukraine. The fresco of the plot “Crucifixion” by painter Viktor Vasnetsov. St. Vladimir's Cathedral. Kyiv.
valery_pokotylo: December 1, 2023. The 646th day of war in Ukraine. The fresco of the plot “God-Father” by painter Viktor Vasnetsov. St. Vladimir's Cathedral. Kyiv.
valery_pokotylo: January 4, 2024. The 680th day of war in Ukraine. St. Vladimir's Cathedral. Fragment of the western facade and the central entrance of the cathedral. Kyiv.
valery_pokotylo: January 8, 2024. The 684th day of war in Ukraine. Christ the Savior. Fragment of the icon to the iconostasis. St. Vladimir's Cathedral. The side-chapel of the Great Martyrs Borys and Hlib in the choir above the northern nave. Artist Mykhailo Nesterov.
valery_pokotylo: January 11, 2024. The 687th day of war in Ukraine. Christ the Savior. Fragment of the icon to the iconostasis. St. Vladimir's Cathedral. The side-chapel of the St. Olga in the choir above the southern nave. Artist Mykhailo Nesterov.
valery_pokotylo: January 12, 2024. The 688th day of war in Ukraine. St. Vladimir's Cathedral. The central nave of the cathedral. Kyiv.
valery_pokotylo: January 23, 2024. The 699th day of war in Ukraine. Mother of God with the Infant Jesus. Fragment of the icon to the iconostasis. St. Vladimir's Cathedral. The side-chapel of the St. Olga in the choir above the southern nave. Artist Mykhailo Nesterov.
valery_pokotylo: January 24, 2024. The 700th day of war in Ukraine. Mother of God with the Infant Jesus. Fragment of the icon to the iconostasis. St. Vladimir's Cathedral. The side-chapel of the St. Borys and St. Hlib in the choir above the northern nave. Artist Nesterov.
valery_pokotylo: February 2, 2024. The 709th day of war in Ukraine. Image of the Holy Great Martyr Barbara. Fragment of the icon to the iconostasis of the northern nava. Painter Nesterov. St. Vladimir's Cathedral. Kyiv.
valery_pokotylo: February 2, 2024. The 709th day of war in Ukraine. St Volodymyr's Cathedral. The entrance to the temple is on the southern facade. Kyiv.
valery_pokotylo: February 5, 2024. The 712nd day of war in Ukraine. St. Vladimir's Cathedral. View of the main iconostasis in the central nave. Kyiv.
valery_pokotylo: February 6, 2024. The 713rd day of war in Ukraine. Saint Philaret the Merciful. Fragment of the icon to the iconostasis of the northern nava. St. Vladimir's Cathedral. Painter Mykhailo Nesterov. Kyiv.
valery_pokotylo: February 7, 2024. The 714th day of war in Ukraine. The iconostasis of the southern nava. St. Vladimir's Cathedral. All icons were created by the painter Mykhailo Nesterov. Kyiv.
valery_pokotylo: February 10, 2024. The 717th day of war in Ukraine. Fresco "our holy fathers" - Saints Basil the Great, Athanasius of Alexandria, Gregory the Theologian, John Chrysostom, Clement Pope of Rome and Nicholas the Archbishop of Mirlikia. Kyiv.
valery_pokotylo: February 11, 2024. The 718th day of war in Ukraine. Venerable Mykhailo Klopsky, of Novgorod, and full four Christs sake. The side-chapel of the Great Martyrs Borys and Hlib in the choir above the northern nave. St. Vladimir's Cathedral. Kyiv.
valery_pokotylo: February 25, 2024. The 732nd day of war in Ukraine. Day two - the creation of the solid, fresco on the ceiling of the southern nava, the inscription: "AND GOD CREATED THE SOLID. DAY TWO." Artist Pavel Svedomsky. St. Vladimir's Cathedral. Kyiv.