valery_pokotylo: May evening in blue and pink and boy fisherman.
valery_pokotylo: One evening in May.
valery_pokotylo: One evening in May. Однажды вечером в мае.
valery_pokotylo: One evening in May.
valery_pokotylo: One evening in May by the Guyva River. Andrushivka. Zhytomyr region. Ukraine.
valery_pokotylo: Another couple of minutes, the sun will rise and the blue will disappear.
valery_pokotylo: One evening in May. Однажды вечером в мае.
valery_pokotylo: Sunrise on the Guyva River. Andrushivka. Zhytomyr region. Ukraine.
valery_pokotylo: Church of Reverend Agapit Pecherskyi. Церковь Святого Агапита Печерского.
valery_pokotylo: It used to be a sugar factory. Когда-то это был сахарный завод.
valery_pokotylo: Morning worries in the village Andrushivka. Zhytomyr region. Ukraine.
valery_pokotylo: Have seen better days. The decrepitude of the bridge. During his and my youth, cars passed through it.
valery_pokotylo: "I'm kind, but I can bite."
valery_pokotylo: A path in the park near the Berzhinsky-Tereshchenko palace. Andrushevka.
valery_pokotylo: Ranúnculus. Ranunculaceae.
valery_pokotylo: Germander speedwell, bird's-eye speedwell, cat's eyes. Veronica chamaedrys. Plantaginaceae.
valery_pokotylo: Dandelion. Taraxacum officinále. Asteraceae.
valery_pokotylo: Pharmacy in the meadow. Taráxacum officinále, Одува́нчик лека́рственный, Одуванчик апте́чный.
valery_pokotylo: Rudbeckia laciniata. Рудбекия рассеченая.
valery_pokotylo: Who Do You Think You Are? Geum rivale, commonly known as Indian Chocolate Root, Nodding Avens, Drooping Avens, Water Flower.
valery_pokotylo: Geum rivale, the water avens, is a flowering plant of the family Rosaceae.
valery_pokotylo: 05.24 AM. Waiting for the sun to rise.
valery_pokotylo: 05.28 AM. For the morning fishing.
valery_pokotylo: 05.34 AM. And here the sun has risen.
valery_pokotylo: 05.40 AM. The western side is already illuminated.
valery_pokotylo: 05.49 AM. Reflection in the clouds and on the water.
valery_pokotylo: 06.14 AM. Hello friends! A new day has begun! Let it be successful for you.
valery_pokotylo: In the evening on the bank of the Guiva River in Andrushevka.
valery_pokotylo: A small pond in the park near the Berzhinsky-Tereshchenko palace. Andrushivka.
valery_pokotylo: Jasmine is one of the thousands of petals in India. Jasminum odoratissimum. Жасмин душистый.