valery_pokotylo: Amaryllis “Eye Catcher”
valery_pokotylo: Хойя; Восковый плющ; Hoya carnosa
valery_pokotylo: Хойя; Восковый плющ; blooming Hoya carnosa
valery_pokotylo: Тянутся цветы герани За оконный переплет.
valery_pokotylo: Philodendron (oxycardium ?) Philodendron “Imperial Green”
valery_pokotylo: Philodendron (oxycardium ?)
valery_pokotylo: Lonely eucharis by the window
valery_pokotylo: Gloxinia «Kaiser Friedrich». Gesneriaceae.
valery_pokotylo: Gloxinia. Gesneriaceae.
valery_pokotylo: Philodendron (oxycardium ?)
valery_pokotylo: Gloxinia «Kaiser Friedrich». Gesneriaceae.
valery_pokotylo: The Magic Shell. Vallota. Cyrtanthus elatus.
valery_pokotylo: Hibiscus and Vallota rejoice in the spring outside the window.
valery_pokotylo: The flower of Love. Anthúrium - «Flower» and «tail».
valery_pokotylo: Let's be friends! Phalaenopsis orchid & Eucharis amazoniса.
valery_pokotylo: Three maidens by the window.... Phalaenopsis orchid & Eucharis amazoniса.
valery_pokotylo: The first one this year. 2018. Amaryllis "Eye Catcher".
valery_pokotylo: Two sisters. Oxalis triangularis. Oxalidaceae.
valery_pokotylo: Trying to catch the last light of the day.
valery_pokotylo: Little Pink-white Geranium.
valery_pokotylo: Blossoming Oxalis triangularis, which is not visible here.
valery_pokotylo: Little Beast waiting for Beauty. Begonia manicata.
valery_pokotylo: Evening sun and Oxalis triangularis.
valery_pokotylo: Bright pink Geranium.
valery_pokotylo: Beauty and Beast.
valery_pokotylo: Flower Begonia. Бегония клубневая. (Begonia x tuberhybrida)
valery_pokotylo: Gloxinia «Blanche de Meru». Gesneriaceae.
valery_pokotylo: Dark purple and very moody. Sinningia “Hollywood”.
valery_pokotylo: Gloxinia "Defiance" red. Gesneriaceae.
valery_pokotylo: Gloxinia "Defiance" red. Gesneriaceae.