pollu_it: sete di luce
NyYankee: Translucent (XV)
oprisco: ***
NyYankee: At the Crossroad
Herr Benini: .if they are color blind, they make me feel, that I'm only what I see sometimes
Herr Benini: .when I'm feeling so right my hands start to reach very high
Herr Benini: .feeling lucky for the kid who'll dance despite anything
lafides: dolce vita nuova
pollu_it: Cosa fa la gente
Cartocci: Cheese please
aTTHINA': [ Holocaust Memorial ]
FREDBOUAINE ☮: déposer un baiser bleu sur tes lèvres
colorCanneLLa: If you learn to enjoy waiting,
colorCanneLLa: If you are unable to find the truth right where you are,
Lםla (like a buıםןןɹ stone): La moltiplicazione del sé
colorCanneLLa: voce del verbo Essere Nato
colorCanneLLa: To love it all is to be vulnerable.