Eddie Chui: Blue Flower
Linda O'Dell: ReflecTion
Massimo Feliziani: Passeggiata
charlottewantschocolate: Monarch Caterpillar
stfbfc: Cat
AnthonyMak: Brown-headed Gull
picturen8: color experiment
zphoto: Juniper Wave
Patillac13: Breaking Point
urline: There are things that i don't want to learn...
JGgirl815: corner
David Lev: Gazania
goorn23: Picture 060
James Jordan: Defiance Lake sunset
Jan Pleiter: I shall return
Bret Okc: Washita
paşanınyeri: kalbim seninle...
Eric Rousset: Patong Beach @ Phuket (Thailand)
Mike Tula: Autumn Star
djrockout: Lothar
V. Mason: The Day's last light
jciv: Field of Spheres
nosdy / Pierre Belhassen: In Evelyne's eye
MorBCN: Bergamo
uteart: burnished by time
FOTOGRAFIA.Nelo.Esteves: Glorious Sunrise
fabrizio.pincelli: Potenza del sole
Jesus Osilia: Sooty-Capped Hermit / Ermitaño Limpiacasa