Patillac13: ShepardFaireyStCloudTimes
Patillac13: Seazon of the Fly - Live - 11/14/08
Patillac13: Seazon of the Fly - Live - 11/14/08
Patillac13: Seazon of the Fly - Live - 11/14/08
Patillac13: Seazon of the Fly - Live - 11/14/08
Patillac13: Seazon of the Fly - Live - 11/14/08
Patillac13: Seazon of the Fly - Live - 11/14/08
Patillac13: Seazon of the Fly - Live - 11/14/08
Patillac13: Seazon of the Fly - Live - 11/14/08
Patillac13: 37 MPH
Patillac13: Flamingo
Patillac13: Posing as the painting.
Patillac13: Arachno... strobia
Patillac13: Dragonfly II
Patillac13: Bee's-eye view.
Patillac13: Say "Cheese"
Patillac13: The Light.
Patillac13: Minnesota Mini Monster.
Patillac13: Pat riot.
Patillac13: Chris & Jess - Engagement
Patillac13: Chris & Jess - Engagement
Patillac13: Lynette Portrait III (Clamshell Lighting)
Patillac13: Lynette Portrait II (Clamshell Lighting)
Patillac13: Lynette Portrait I (Clamshell Lighting)
Patillac13: Spider Plant Flower
Patillac13: Land Wherever.
Patillac13: King of the Mountain.
Patillac13: The Duck Hunt.