Floris Dilz: DSC_5296
woodpecker_photo: DSC_5259_ShiftN
Mat Travers: Pozo zanja
A.K. 90: Geduldsfäden
jantsje: Chocolate Factory-1
jantsje: Flugplatz B-1
jantsje: Holy sunset church-4
jantsje: Lenin-3
LeiV Photo: Eco Hotel
LeiV Photo: City Bus Station
potosi6088m: auf der Suche nach dem Doktor
Under The Dust: Powerplant S. -06094
LeiV Photo: H2Orium
jantsje: Monastere des Ancres-5
stefaan.decuypere: Former water pumping station_005
Lost & Abandoned Places: forbidden area
A.K. 90: abhängen
LeiV Photo: City Hospital
BasDeMoss: IMG_2455
BasDeMoss: IMG_2415
BasDeMoss: IMG_2409b
Camera_Shy.: rust power
conspectus_bs: control room with chairs
LeiV Photo: Multifunctional
soho42: small turbine