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albums of UNDP KENYA
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Devolution Conference
Isiolo RC visit
FCDC Council Of Governors Conference
Joint UNDP and Sweden Mission to Kilifi and Mombasa Counites
FCDC Counties Mission Reflections Workshop - March 2020
FCDC Counties Mission - February 2020
ERU - NDCs Gender Workshop - January 2020
Amkeni Wakenya - Annual NGO Sector Report Launch - January 2020
ERU - Renewable Energy Day 2020 - January 2020
Voluntary National Review 2020 Workshop - January 2020
Human Development Report 2019 Launch - December 2019
UNDP Kenya 12 Days of Activism - December 2019
Accelerator Lab - IVD2019 Innovation Lounge - December 2019
UNDP Kenya Staff Retreat - November 2019
AU Treaties - Parliamentarian's Workshop - November 2019
Devolution - 8th Kenya National M&E Week - November 2019
EER - Kakamega County Mondia Whitei ABS Support - November 2019
GEF SGP - Nyumbani Village Visit & Workshop - November 2019
UNDP Adminstrator Visit and ICPD25 Conference - November 2019
Accelerator Lab - Stakeholder Consultative Forum - October 2019
Amkeni Wakenya - Mandera County M&E - October 2019
EER - DRR Symposium - October 2019
Amkeni Wakenya - Quarterly Learning Platform Nyandarua - September 2019
Peacebuilding - VBU Visit to UNDP and Korogocho Performance - July/August 2019
UN Tour SDGs Talk - August 2019
Amkeni Wakenya - Isiolo and Marsabit Counties M&E - August 2019
Media Council of Kenya AJEA - August 2019
Devolution - Taita Taveta County Visit - July 2019
Devolution - Makueni County Visit - July 2019
Devolution - Turkana County Visit - July 2019
Amkeni Wakenya - Marsabit County M&E - June 2019
Amkeni Wakenya - Quarterly Learning Platform Naivasha - June 2019
Blue Economy Photos Exhibition
Environmental Governance & Extractives
Launch of Marsabit Biashara Center and ROTB barrels, Marsabit town
5th Anniversary of the Promulgation of the Constitution and launch of CIC annual Report, Gusii Stadium, Kisii county
UN Secretary General's Visit to iHub
UNDAF Signing ceremony at Statehouse Nairobi
40th Anniversary of the Signing of the Lokiriama Peace Accord, Lokiriama, Turkana county
Social Good Summit in Nairobi 2013, Strathmore University Auditorium
4th Annual Africa Governance, Leadership and Management Convention, Leisure Lodge Hotel, Kwale County
Equator Prize In Country Awards Celebration, Chyulu Conservation Research Centre, Tsavo West
World Day to Combat Desertification, AIC Cheptebo grounds, Elgeyo Marakwet County
Launch of Swahili Summary of 2013 Global Human Development Report
Sports4Peaceful Elections Campaign: Behind the Scenes
Sub-County Dialogues on Post-2015 Development Agenda: Kisumu
Working Toward Lasting Peace: Mt Elgon
Interlocking Passion and Entreprenuership Skills for Women and Youth Empowerment
Commissioning of the JHCP
The Government of the Kingdom of Netherlands and UNDP bilateral agreement signing ceremony at the UNDP offices in Nairobi
African Human Development Report launch
WED Celebration Mombasa 5th June 2012
Japanese Ambassador Mr. Takata and UN Resident and Humanitarian Coordinator Mr. Chuma signing the agreement for Constitutional Implementation in Keny
Mr. Chuma in visit to the standard group 11 April 2012
Mr. Chuma in visit to the standard group 11 April 2012
Mr. Chuma in visit to the standard group 11 April 2012
Launch of the Vision 2030 online course and IEC strategy
Youth 21 Conference
People's Conference on National Identity, Ethnicity and Race
NAKURU-visit to the IDPs with JICA
ICT and Elections Workshop 5 - 9 March 2012
Capacity Development of UNDP Governance Practitioners in Sub-Saharan Africa Conference 2012
Regional Launch of the 20th Anniversary of the Global Human Development Report
Launch of Kisumu DBSC
Governance COP Regional Conference
UNDP One Day on Earth shoot at Nturumeti Primary School
2010 MDG Awards
2010 International Day of Peace Celebrations at KICC
2010 Stand Up Campaign Launch at City Stadium
2010 International Day of Democracy Celebrations
2010 Referendum National Tallying Centre at Bomas
Candle lit Peace Vigil at KICC
Peace Procession from Uhuru Park to KICC
Peace Caravan through Kasarani District
Picha Mtaani
HDR Launch - 2009
UNPOC Training
Kazi Kwa Vijana Tree Planting Exercise
Women Entrepreneur Workshop
Mainstreaming Disabilities - Msambweni
UN Resident Coordinator and UNDP Resident Representative, Nardos Bekele-Thomas recognized at AU/DAF event in South Africa