UNDP KENYA: Wide Angle Shot of Mt Elgon Area
UNDP KENYA: Landscape features in Mt Elgon district
UNDP KENYA: Rev. Killong with the Area Peace Committee in Chemoge Location
UNDP KENYA: A Community baraza (meeting) in progress at Chemoge Location, Mt Elgon
UNDP KENYA: Peter Kalman,Chemoge Location Chief
UNDP KENYA: Florence, Chemoge community member
UNDP KENYA: J.M Lewa, District Commissioner, Kimilili District
UNDP KENYA: Community members shake hands after reaching an agreement at a dispute resolution meeting
UNDP KENYA: Mr. Ptala Naibei, a Sabaot elder and chair of the DPC for Mt. Elgon District
UNDP KENYA: Rev. Killong listens keenly at a community meeting