Nick Ransdale: IMG_0874. Andrena cineraria (Ashy Mining Bee) f
Stefan Schlegl: Gartenrotschwanz / Common Redstart / Phoenicurus phoenicurus
*snowwhite*: Grünes Heupferd
Stefan Schlegl: Wintergoldhähnchen / Goldcrest / Regulus regulus
Olaf Craasmann: green phase of creation
EliM2018: Ruby throated hummingbird
EliM2018: Ruby throated Hummingbird
EliM2018: Flower Love
CyclopKiLouch: Zygène de la fillipendule
JK Nelson: Eastern Carpenter Bee, sleeping (1 of 3)
Treeleephotography: 台灣角金龜 Dicranocephalus wallichii bourgonini Pouillaude, 1914
Toi-Vido: Jaðrakan ( Limosa limosa islandica )
tonynorth1: Female Broad-bodied Chaser WPD22Animals
Ana Mendes do Carmo: Abelharuco / Merops apiaster
nicole le roy91: Pied avocet/Avocette élégante-
elipson1: love is light
nicole le roy91: European bee-eater (Merops apiaster)
Cheryl Dunlop Molin: genteel violence
mukhamadeev: IMG_7038
redmanian: Rock Pipit
l z e e ~: c u r t a i n call . . .
Curt's Pix: Sunset at Shiprock
ronherst: Kirkjufell Iceland
Jeff Ke: IMGP3611a
tonynorth1: Milky Way over Buttermere. WPD22Nature
James Gregory Wildlife Photography: Thought this Kingfisher shot looked a bit artier than usual. Taken in early morning light, love a reflection too
James Gregory Wildlife Photography: Crazy Fledged Juvenile Kestrel. Think the picture says it all! (Yorkshire, Uk)