Pictures, words, whatever...: Grilled steak panini.
Pictures, words, whatever...: Under the weather.
Pictures, words, whatever...: Waiting for the storm to pass.
Pictures, words, whatever...: Eye of the storm.
Pictures, words, whatever...: The missing snack.
Pictures, words, whatever...: Explosive colour.
Pictures, words, whatever...: And no IR filter.
Pictures, words, whatever...: Plenty more to come.
Pictures, words, whatever...: Another Christmas passes.
Pictures, words, whatever...: Well trodden path.
Pictures, words, whatever...: They'll be ready in the morning.
Pictures, words, whatever...: Les Hameaux du Mottaret.
Pictures, words, whatever...: Misty end of the day.
Pictures, words, whatever...: La neige est arrivé.
Pictures, words, whatever...: Should have been here by now.