Pictures, words, whatever...: Plums in the afternoon.
Pictures, words, whatever...: Take the long way home.
Pictures, words, whatever...: Of light and shade.
Pictures, words, whatever...: Encore le shopping.
Pictures, words, whatever...: Close to the edge.
Pictures, words, whatever...: Sackcloth and roses.
Pictures, words, whatever...: Summer in the city.
Pictures, words, whatever...: Stirrings of life in the rain forest.
Pictures, words, whatever...: With carrot cake.
Pictures, words, whatever...: From your colony with love.
Pictures, words, whatever...: Fruit on the table.
Pictures, words, whatever...: One I made earlier.
Pictures, words, whatever...: The little parlymint.
Pictures, words, whatever...: 3 amigoes encore.
Pictures, words, whatever...: Mansion on the hill.
Pictures, words, whatever...: He is the walrus.
Pictures, words, whatever...: Praying for trains.
Pictures, words, whatever...: Félicitations. Mais c’était un essai!