fivetonsflax: IMG_1607.jpg
sparr0: Sparr, balloon, and frame
themassiveant: Penguin-Paragliding-Potato-May-2021-247
themassiveant: Penguin-Paragliding-Potato-May-2021-116
mattdork: IMG_20160711_144239
Mimi Ditchie: Full Moon And Craters
Steven Christenson: Starflight over Pointy Land
Steven Christenson: Mission Peak Timelapse
Steven Christenson: Bristlecone Pine Star Circle *Explored*
Trey Ratcliff: Singapore From Above
djpiebob: chuck is missing
bizzyunderscore: neighborhood pooper
dansully: IMG_4137
Mikka Luster: This is why I hike...
ekai: This robot prints out text in sand
queue_queue: someone did the wrong thing.
mattdork: IMG_0386
cookinghamus: KAP of Man and City 2
jon sarriugarte: DSC_0172_990
queue_queue: teletweety
NASA Goddard Photo and Video: Most Amazing High Definition Image of Earth - Blue Marble 2012
djpiebob: this came in a box for JD from the Paris MAAWG folks
mattdork: Burning Man 2011 Network Diagram
oof: After: 5,600 pounds of dirt.
ProDJAllen: Modified Laserscope Optical Deck (Very Messy)
goshthatspretty: IMG_0029
goshthatspretty: IMG_0043