djpiebob: at democracy spring
djpiebob: i wonder how you become a lady cobra
djpiebob: 2015_03_17_21_09_45_ProShot.jpg
djpiebob: 2015_03_17_21_09_20_ProShot.jpg
djpiebob: 2015_03_17_20_26_06_ProShot.jpg
djpiebob: Clint Sharp speaks at Splunk SF Bay Area User Group meeting
djpiebob: Splunk SF Bay Area User Group meeting 3/4/15
djpiebob: sheep milk cheese in molds
djpiebob: sheep cheese curds in molds
djpiebob: whey recipe
djpiebob: sheep cheese curds
djpiebob: instruction
djpiebob: pour
djpiebob: the stuffs
djpiebob: upend
djpiebob: pour
djpiebob: other group
djpiebob: buttermilk to innoculate
djpiebob: equipment
djpiebob: the rarest, sheep milk
djpiebob: getting ready to pour
djpiebob: introductions
djpiebob: the classroom
djpiebob: proto cheese plate
djpiebob: i arrived first
djpiebob: Agricola
djpiebob: Agricola in the breakfast room
djpiebob: some of the game stack
djpiebob: courtyard
djpiebob: space drama, Traveler