@profjoao: Dom Bosco
David Hdez. : El Puertillo - Arucas (Gran Canaria)
adrians_art: At the End of the Pier
juan_jest: Patagonia
llabe: Lucky's
marcelo_feliti: Falco peregrinus
KUO. SHIH YEN: 水舞(蠟燭)
Miguel Angel Lillo Fotografía: Alone in Ethernity
@profjoao: Dom Bosco
Yuliya Bahr: marc in tears
Manuel ROMARIS: Victoria Falls, Zambian side
Shutter Wings (Biju Thomas PhotoWorks): © 2014 Biju Thomas PhotoWorks. All Rights Reserved.
bob_52: wellcome 6d
WWW.ROBERTBELLOMY.COM: Key West, Florida - USA - Beaches
S C photos: Norfolk Broads
motoHa: IMG_3474
Andrea Moscato: Lago di Devero, Diga Piccola - Parco Naturale Alpe Devero (Italy)
Vsevolod Uspensky: Sea. Beach. Mountains.
mattwareherts: The one left behind, West Mersea, Essex, UK
4orty7even: Sunrise Mist
lastofitskind: million dollar hostel
Valdeci.Lima: IberoStar resort - Bahia, Brazil
@profjoao: Rumo ao por do sol
Paul Saad: Firefighters
Paul Saad: Kartaba At Sunset, Lebanon
ciccioetneo: Loneliness
@profjoao: São José