Thomas Shahan 3: Gelastocoris oculatus - Big-eyed Toad Bug - Oklahoma
chappietam: Don't look back in anger
Thomas Shahan 3: Lichens - Oklahoma
Thomas Shahan 3: Svastra (?) Bee - Oklahoma
Thomas Shahan 3: Phidippus clarus male - Oklahoma
Thomas Shahan 3: Peucetia Green Lynx Spider - Oklahoma
Thomas Shahan 3: Systropus sp (Bombyliidae) - Ammophila wasp mimic - Oklahoma
Thomas Shahan 3: Argiope aurantia - Oklahoma
Trevor Dobson: Milky Way above an Old Church - Greenhills, Western Australia
brorfederico: NGC7000 - Nebulosa Norteamerica, paleta Hubble
chappietam: Standing its ground!
astrophotography_andy: The Eagle Nebula in Ha
Thomas Shahan 3: Ommatius sp robber fly portait - Oklahoma
Thomas Shahan 3: Milesia virginiensis hoverfly - Oklahoma
Thomas Shahan 3: Chalcidoid wasps on Rudbeckia - Torymus sp and Eurytoma sp - Oklahoma
Thomas Shahan 3: Tabanus (lineola?) - female horsefly - Oklahoma
Greg Meyer MD(H): Veil final-Edit-2
Trevor Dobson: Milky Way at Mogumber, Western Australia
Thomas Shahan 3: Paraphidippus aurantius Jumping Spider - Oklahoma
Thomas Shahan 3: Libellula luctuosa - Widow Skimmer - Oklahoma
Thomas Shahan 3: Phidippus whitmani jumping spider - Oklahoma
Thomas Shahan 3: Tetraopes tetrophthalmus - Red Milkweed Beetle - Oklahoma
Thomas Shahan 3: Paraphidippus aurantius feeding
superdaft: Walk on the wild side
snowyturner: Awash with colour
laz666: Male Maratus
laz666: Female Maratus
F.Hendre: Marpissa muscosa. (Female)
acsimagez: NGC 7023 – Iris-nebula 2 panel mosaic
laurent.guillerme: lz12-Modifier