m e a n d r e a: IMG_2233.JPG
m e a n d r e a: IMG_3635.JPG
izzygalapagos: Baby giant tortoises
ihaterushhour: tortoise
Peet van Schalkwyk: IMG_9733_1
Wildcaster: Safely home
rhythmandsounds: leopardtortoise
dayjolly: Tortoise
Victoria Plum: it really was a wild tortoise, so cool, mijet
Moth Clark: 38 Steenbokkie camp tortoise (about 2 feet long)
Moth Clark: 18 Wild tortoise at Kirstenbosch
stephen_o_b: Wild Tortoise
lucymosse: Wild Tortoise, Turkey 05
elyob: Wild Tortoise
Richard Mason: Tortoise wanders by
Nick Case: Wild tortoise on top of the plateau
mk_lynx: pair of Leopard Tortoise Geochelone pardalis babcocki mating
_pia_: wild tortoise on the move
Alex-Barrett: Leopard Tortoise
Alex-Barrett: Leopard Tortoise
Astrid Kopp: Tortoise
Astrid Kopp: Tortoise
AndrewinCT: Tortoise
wagga_caro: Tortoise
indyshiu: Tortoise at Addo
anarcissus: Please do not smash the tortoises!/Western Cape, South Africa 2005
StrawberryFrog: tortoise
StrawberryFrog: Tortoise fleeing