wagga_caro: Squeeze
wagga_caro: Getting Dressed
wagga_caro: Brothers...
wagga_caro: Meerkat boy
wagga_caro: High Slide
wagga_caro: Just like Daddy
wagga_caro: Tongue
wagga_caro: Snuggly
wagga_caro: Alert but serious
wagga_caro: Home from hospital
wagga_caro: Brotherd
wagga_caro: Love those cheeks and lips
wagga_caro: First family portrait
wagga_caro: Peg loves cuddles with Gus
wagga_caro: Gus makes peggy drool
wagga_caro: Gus and Peg love
wagga_caro: Peg and Gus cuddles
wagga_caro: First shots of our lab boy
wagga_caro: Tim and the lab boy
wagga_caro: Beautiful eyes
wagga_caro: Caro and Jess
wagga_caro: Anne and Jess
wagga_caro: Kelly and Caro
wagga_caro: Kelly and Caro
wagga_caro: Patrick and Stanley
wagga_caro: Patrick and wet dog
wagga_caro: What a way to start the day - puppy in bed!
wagga_caro: Caro, Rajini and Sameer NYE 2005
wagga_caro: NYE 2005
wagga_caro: Caro, Sameer and Rajini NYE 2005