Norbert Lefevre: Martin pêcheur d'Europe " femelle " ( Alcedo atthis - Common kingfisher )
F. Ribeaudeau: Martin-pêcheur
F. Ribeaudeau: Renard'eau conquérant
F. Ribeaudeau: Ne me quittez pas !
F. Ribeaudeau: Nichée de faucons crécerelles (Suite)
lime1957: Short-eared Owl
Ettore Guarnaroli: First light of dawn on the swamp
Emiliano Baldari: In a moment of reflection...
mystero233: Frozen England
sylviafurrer: In the Silence of the Alps...
Olivier Pépin-malherbe: Héron cendré
gary syrba: Long Shadows
A.K. 90: Lostplace
toninunez66: Facultat de Medicina UB
sami kuosmanen: river abstract
sami kuosmanen: river teno
Photobirder: Bat Eared Fox Family
Alfred J. Lockwood Photography: Sub Adult Elk_Q5I6878
Richard R. Powell: Sky in Drop
Sultan Sultani: Male Cooper’s Hawk
sami kuosmanen: autumn finland
caterinaagostinis: Canal du Midi
Marko Haaja: Toyhtotiainen_20241215_004
PixPep: Times of confusion
PixPep: Glaskogen
soupie1441: Snow Day
uilian_squall: Enjoy the Moment