Bill DuPree: Late Winter Forest
Bill DuPree: Lake Meriwether Panorama
Bill DuPree: Dove’s-foot Crane’s Bill
Bill DuPree: Pathway
kennethcanada1: False Creek Ferries, With The Art Deco Burrard Street Bridge In The Backgrounde.
kennethcanada1: Have A Good Canada Day, Everyday.
kennethcanada1: Heading Out Underneath The, Lions Gate Bridge.
Bill DuPree: Elderberries in the Bud
Bill DuPree: Another Trip to the Bridge
Bill DuPree: This isn't exactly a bench...
Bill DuPree: Foursome
Bill DuPree: Empty Slips
RadioNoWhere SinPapelles: P9027800...Bergführer...
RadioNoWhere SinPapelles: P9027823...Musik in den Ohren...
RadioNoWhere SinPapelles: P9027649...gone through times...spirit in the street...
alainpere407: Simone ...vos yeux sont aussi beaux que votre coeur...Simone ...your eyes are as beautiful as your heart...
alainpere407: Je suppose que vous le reconnaissez...I suppose you recognize him...
alainpere407: panem et circenses...
alainpere407: Jeanne d'Arc..Joan of Arc...
Luiz Contreira: Happy friend's Day
Luiz Contreira: Marathon runner in Berlin
John Hallam Images: Church Domes - Blue, Blue, Red and White, Santorini Details 81
John Hallam Images: Modern Art - Mustard and Shades of Grey - Church Window, Santorini Details 82
John Hallam Images: Blue Door, Pink and Shades of Grey - Shady Spot, Santorini details 87
John Hallam Images: Curving Walkway - Shades of Grey and Brown, Santorini Details 101
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